Luxurious, everyday moments for every skinkind. Mindful skincare supported by smart science and made with love. Healthy, beautiful, confident skin, one layer at a time.





Typewriter Effect

We |

Before Goldie Lux...

Seventeen years ago I accepted a marketing director position at a small pharmaceutical company. This is where I met Leslie and her husband John, who had owned and managed the place for decades. I planned to work there for a year or two, then move on to pursue my design dreams in another industry. Over the course of fifteen years, I found a home, challenging work, inspiration and a fierce and fearless role model. We lunched, laughed, cried and worked hard, in offices side by side. During this time Leslie became family and the self-declared “fairy godmother” to my girls. The fairytale ceased when John became sick and the company was sold. Everything as we had known it for years was lost and with broken hearts, we searched for ways to close the wound, close the gap, and once again be a part of one another's every day. Once in a while, we joined forces to consult on small pharma projects. When working on the launch of a colloidal silver disinfectant, we were introduced to the possibilities of colloidal gold…in skincare. We left the controlled, sterile pharmaceutical world behind and walked hand in hand into the glamorous light of the beauty world.

Goldie Lux today...

We incorporated Simply Goldette Inc. in 2021. Eniko, Ela and Eira officially completed our team. It took 2 long years of research, formulating, re-formulating, re-formulating again, and thousands of details and decisions. In November 2023, we launched Goldie Lux skincare and our first 3 products.  

Extraordinary women brought together through friendship, professional and personal goals… and a little old fashioned good luck. Each of us secretly searching for a work project we would enjoy, working with people we enjoy, to create something special. 

Combined we offer decades of experience in pharmaceuticals, nanotechnology, product development, research and formulation, marketing and design, business development and finance.  

Each woman has been hand picked for their expertise, dedication and heart. I am blessed to be surrounded by such inspirational females and proud they are my friends. It is thanks to them and our synergy that Goldie Lux has a heartbeat and pulse.

This is no ordinary company, Goldie Lux is no ordinary skincare.

Meet our Family

  • Tammy Mongiat

    CEO | Founder

  • Leslie Drake

    CVO | Founder

  • Dr. Eniko Manek

    CSO | Co-founder

  • Ela Botos

    CFO | Co-founder

  • Eira Shoichet

    Cosmetic Chemist

Discover our ONE Collection